all postcodes in BR3 / BECKENHAM

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR3 1GF 1 0 51.396363 -0.048151
BR3 1GP 1 0 51.396363 -0.048151
BR3 1GZ 8 0 51.407654 -0.030732
BR3 1HA 27 1 51.410862 -0.031673
BR3 1HB 6 0 51.410922 -0.030951
BR3 1HD 36 0 51.412197 -0.034592
BR3 1HE 24 0 51.411108 -0.032942
BR3 1HF 24 0 51.411012 -0.032012
BR3 1HG 8 6 51.411623 -0.035206
BR3 1HH 39 0 51.411954 -0.032434
BR3 1HJ 24 0 51.412964 -0.0342
BR3 1HL 26 4 51.410331 -0.026274
BR3 1HN 14 0 51.410996 -0.030013
BR3 1HP 12 0 51.410913 -0.028795
BR3 1HQ 16 0 51.409749 -0.030168
BR3 1HR 30 0 51.410191 -0.029746
BR3 1HS 24 0 51.410007 -0.030013
BR3 1HT 11 0 51.410047 -0.031334
BR3 1HU 15 0 51.409541 -0.03173
BR3 1HW 17 0 51.408298 -0.032128