all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 2QF 0 51.401498 0.095551
BR5 2QG 0 51.402187 0.095727
BR5 2QH 0 51.408775 0.110494
BR5 2QJ 0 51.409277 0.110574
BR5 2QL 2 51.409099 0.106482
BR5 2QN 0 51.408606 0.107366
BR5 2QP 0 51.39646 0.095623
BR5 2QQ 0 51.400141 0.09848
BR5 2QR 2 51.405798 0.103469
BR5 2QS 0 51.407643 0.104917
BR5 2QT 0 51.40723 0.104872
BR5 2QU 0 51.406702 0.104745
BR5 2QW 0 51.408533 0.105421
BR5 2QX 0 51.406277 0.101838
BR5 2QY 0 51.40507 0.105981
BR5 2QZ 0 51.405261 0.106363
BR5 2RA 12 51.404519 0.105079
BR5 2RB 14 51.403671 0.106276
BR5 2RD 0 51.404124 0.105578
BR5 2RE 0 51.406646 0.105349