all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 3BE 0 51.407619 0.105724
BR5 3BF 0 51.408258 0.109722
BR5 3BG 0 51.40825 0.106688
BR5 3BH 0 51.407817 0.109213
BR5 3BJ 0 51.406805 0.109483
BR5 3BN 0 51.406156 0.108605
BR5 3BP 0 51.405867 0.111165
BR5 3BQ 0 51.407616 0.107895
BR5 3BS 0 51.403712 0.10947
BR5 3BT 0 51.404491 0.109635
BR5 3BU 0 51.405446 0.109578
BR5 3BW 0 51.406185 0.110978
BR5 3BX 0 51.404824 0.108126
BR5 3BY 0 51.404673 0.107027
BR5 3BZ 0 51.406308 0.106642
BR5 3DA 0 51.399165 0.111288
BR5 3DD 0 51.403792 0.108007
BR5 3DE 0 51.406514 0.107169
BR5 3DF 0 51.404537 0.107581
BR5 3DG 0 51.409765 0.110439