all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 2RH 0 51.407488 0.102023
BR5 2RJ 1 51.404592 0.100035
BR5 2RL 0 51.406023 0.096952
BR5 2RN 0 51.406277 0.097352
BR5 2RP 0 51.407598 0.097872
BR5 2RQ 0 51.403644 0.10524
BR5 2RR 0 51.407277 0.098231
BR5 2RS 5 51.406212 0.098441
BR5 2RT 0 51.406821 0.09857
BR5 2RU 0 51.407669 0.09944
BR5 2RW 2 51.405048 0.099668
BR5 2RX 0 51.406796 0.100467
BR5 2RY 0 51.405519 0.100466
BR5 2RZ 0 51.408077 0.103298
BR5 2SA 2 51.405696 0.099165
BR5 2SB 0 51.406044 0.098807
BR5 2SD 0 51.404184 0.099729
BR5 2SE 0 51.40415 0.100616
BR5 2SF 0 51.403843 0.100171
BR5 2SG 0 51.404215 0.098005