all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 8DB 44 0 51.379227 0.081126
BR6 8DD 4 0 51.377982 0.08193
BR6 8DE 33 0 51.376551 0.079942
BR6 8DF 32 0 51.376707 0.080782
BR6 8DG 51 2 51.378562 0.081614
BR6 8DH 4 0 51.377581 0.081698
BR6 8DJ 22 0 51.376913 0.081323
BR6 8DL 8 0 51.377856 0.080389
BR6 8DN 10 0 51.377081 0.078917
BR6 8DP 4 0 51.377097 0.079535
BR6 8DQ 30 0 51.378225 0.080377
BR6 8DR 29 0 51.378093 0.079164
BR6 8DS 4 0 51.378183 0.081292
BR6 8DT 35 0 51.379354 0.082627
BR6 8DU 34 0 51.372097 0.07395
BR6 8DW 19 0 51.376495 0.079048
BR6 8DX 16 0 51.369951 0.076855
BR6 8DY 33 0 51.369988 0.072734
BR6 8DZ 9 0 51.370265 0.071812
BR6 8EA 30 0 51.370193 0.073416