all postcodes in BR7 / CHISLEHURST

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR7 5SZ 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5UN 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5WH 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5WR 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5XS 21 0 51.423347 0.048954
BR7 5XT 8 0 51.4159 0.061305
BR7 5YB 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5ZE 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5NA 8 0 51.408074 0.057373
BR7 5EJ 5 0 51.420293 0.042043
BR7 5AP 9 5 51.418156 0.068555
BR7 5XX 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5BF 39 0 51.414762 0.050324
BR7 5XH 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR7 5FE 6 0 51.408115 0.074429
BR7 5FF 8 0 51.420959 0.054874
BR7 5FG 17 0 51.420664 0.055292
BR7 5FH 10 0 51.421587 0.052945
BR7 5FJ 7 0 51.420342 0.053666
BR7 5FL 38 0 51.420416 0.054072