all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 9BG 8 0 51.406732 -2.61751
BS13 9BH 10 0 51.408223 -2.616093
BS13 9BJ 19 0 51.408633 -2.614763
BS13 9BN 16 0 51.410019 -2.614952
BS13 9BP 19 0 51.408518 -2.616413
BS13 9BQ 18 0 51.407411 -2.616571
BS13 9BS 14 0 51.409424 -2.616785
BS13 9BT 14 0 51.409053 -2.617326
BS13 9BU 14 0 51.40966 -2.616471
BS13 9BW 8 0 51.408675 -2.615711
BS13 9BX 34 0 51.409449 -2.615491
BS13 9DF 12 0 51.40673 -2.619581
BS13 9DG 11 0 51.407184 -2.620521
BS13 9DH 16 0 51.40701 -2.619326
BS13 9DJ 16 0 51.406154 -2.619745
BS13 9DL 10 0 51.405695 -2.61984
BS13 9DN 18 0 51.405733 -2.621134
BS13 9DP 37 0 51.405006 -2.619241
BS13 9DQ 16 0 51.406561 -2.62103
BS13 9DR 31 0 51.404718 -2.619266