all postcodes in BS13 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS13 9LJ 8 2 51.405696 -2.609287
BS13 9LL 3 0 51.405297 -2.609886
BS13 9LN 15 0 51.404969 -2.609119
BS13 9LQ 12 0 51.40634 -2.608232
BS13 9LR 17 0 51.405667 -2.608036
BS13 9LS 16 0 51.405717 -2.606586
BS13 9LT 20 0 51.406229 -2.607195
BS13 9LU 12 0 51.406719 -2.60631
BS13 9LW 9 0 51.405295 -2.608262
BS13 9LX 26 0 51.406552 -2.605546
BS13 9LY 22 0 51.407399 -2.606823
BS13 9LZ 2 0 51.407498 -2.60648
BS13 9NA 16 0 51.407344 -2.605427
BS13 9NB 8 0 51.407868 -2.604816
BS13 9ND 1 0 51.407684 -2.604037
BS13 9NE 11 0 51.407674 -2.605519
BS13 9NF 8 0 51.408097 -2.605782
BS13 9NG 8 0 51.408311 -2.606216
BS13 9NH 8 0 51.408971 -2.607275
BS13 9NJ 12 0 51.409058 -2.607837