all postcodes in BS15 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS15 3BA 25 0 51.44975 -2.526984
BS15 3BB 10 0 51.449737 -2.525833
BS15 3BD 10 0 51.449332 -2.5258
BS15 3BE 18 0 51.449037 -2.525523
BS15 3BF 22 0 51.444317 -2.507094
BS15 3BG 13 0 51.449204 -2.524359
BS15 3BH 4 0 51.449474 -2.522362
BS15 3BJ 3 0 51.450143 -2.521521
BS15 3BL 5 0 51.447932 -2.525395
BS15 3BN 25 0 51.44336 -2.507817
BS15 3BQ 15 0 51.44991 -2.522827
BS15 3BS 30 0 51.450962 -2.51327
BS15 3BT 22 0 51.451032 -2.511644
BS15 3BU 36 0 51.450739 -2.508734
BS15 3BW 13 0 51.44441 -2.506246
BS15 3BX 37 0 51.450215 -2.509217
BS15 3BY 30 0 51.450087 -2.509748
BS15 3DG 16 9 51.448872 -2.516009
BS15 3DJ 2 1 51.449904 -2.518093
BS15 3DL 10 0 51.450237 -2.518643