all postcodes in BS15 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS15 4BH 16 0 51.464615 -2.503951
BS15 4BJ 33 0 51.464848 -2.504198
BS15 4BL 55 0 51.463519 -2.503436
BS15 4BN 16 0 51.463775 -2.504978
BS15 4BP 13 0 51.463745 -2.50564
BS15 4BQ 12 0 51.464604 -2.502497
BS15 4BS 1 0 51.466838 -2.501557
BS15 4BT 26 0 51.463085 -2.498032
BS15 4BU 36 0 51.462225 -2.498945
BS15 4BW 16 0 51.463019 -2.504984
BS15 4BZ 46 0 51.462902 -2.498851
BS15 4DA 9 1 51.462591 -2.499941
BS15 4DB 11 0 51.46329 -2.498481
BS15 4DD 45 0 51.462902 -2.496792
BS15 4DF 10 0 51.463907 -2.497062
BS15 4DG 24 1 51.464465 -2.49488
BS15 4DH 14 0 51.464769 -2.493214
BS15 4DJ 4 0 51.465264 -2.49319
BS15 4DL 25 0 51.466494 -2.49149
BS15 4DN 18 0 51.466555 -2.489706