all postcodes in BS15 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS15 1BX 0 51.461593 -2.528704
BS15 1BY 0 51.461985 -2.519496
BS15 1BZ 1 51.462864 -2.511733
BS15 1DA 0 51.462544 -2.52313
BS15 1DB 0 51.463524 -2.525171
BS15 1DD 0 51.462815 -2.524904
BS15 1DE 0 51.463409 -2.520707
BS15 1DF 0 51.463371 -2.521153
BS15 1DG 0 51.464682 -2.521542
BS15 1DH 0 51.463205 -2.522145
BS15 1DJ 0 51.463315 -2.5217
BS15 1DL 1 51.463068 -2.522503
BS15 1DN 0 51.464008 -2.523492
BS15 1DP 0 51.465053 -2.522986
BS15 1DQ 0 51.464374 -2.522057
BS15 1DR 0 51.464374 -2.524044
BS15 1DS 0 51.462785 -2.523493
BS15 1DT 0 51.462891 -2.524041
BS15 1DU 0 51.463928 -2.52532
BS15 1DW 0 51.46464 -2.522967