all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 5BA 23 0 51.483744 -2.521544
BS16 5BB 25 0 51.483584 -2.521312
BS16 5BD 14 1 51.483745 -2.519312
BS16 5BE 9 2 51.484473 -2.517318
BS16 5BG 15 1 51.484042 -2.517328
BS16 5BH 24 0 51.48355 -2.518719
BS16 5BJ 13 0 51.484256 -2.519735
BS16 5BL 12 0 51.482939 -2.524358
BS16 5BN 6 0 51.484091 -2.520468
BS16 5BP 24 0 51.48159 -2.522657
BS16 5BQ 11 0 51.483557 -2.517164
BS16 5BS 23 5 51.481542 -2.521087
BS16 5BT 7 0 51.481441 -2.519445
BS16 5BX 5 0 51.481446 -2.518839
BS16 5BY 9 0 51.481222 -2.522682
BS16 5DA 17 0 51.485271 -2.513842
BS16 5DB 9 0 51.481687 -2.516783
BS16 5DE 26 0 51.483698 -2.515869
BS16 5DF 27 0 51.482504 -2.515323
BS16 5DG 25 0 51.482403 -2.515725