all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 7BB 15 0 51.495033 -2.482694
BS16 7BD 13 0 51.487927 -2.476886
BS16 7BE 66 0 51.487769 -2.477807
BS16 7BF 60 0 51.49007 -2.476073
BS16 7BG 28 0 51.489049 -2.477345
BS16 7BH 33 0 51.490027 -2.477787
BS16 7BJ 27 0 51.494523 -2.475616
BS16 7BL 18 0 51.4943 -2.475167
BS16 7BN 57 0 51.501645 -2.488253
BS16 7BP 67 0 51.502408 -2.486301
BS16 7BQ 46 0 51.503313 -2.487132
BS16 7BR 44 0 51.491365 -2.480163
BS16 7BS 15 0 51.503097 -2.487533
BS16 7BT 38 0 51.501731 -2.484825
BS16 7BU 11 0 51.487938 -2.478197
BS16 7BW 36 0 51.487205 -2.47973
BS16 7BX 56 0 51.487386 -2.481274
BS16 7BY 9 0 51.489073 -2.475732
BS16 7BZ 35 0 51.492221 -2.480086
BS16 7DA 84 0 51.489956 -2.481502