all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 9BX 6 0 51.488536 -2.485895
BS16 9BY 6 0 51.487784 -2.485368
BS16 9BZ 26 0 51.493484 -2.487243
BS16 9DA 14 0 51.485912 -2.485924
BS16 9DB 24 0 51.48673 -2.485962
BS16 9DD 19 1 51.486885 -2.487029
BS16 9DE 32 1 51.486367 -2.488478
BS16 9DF 12 0 51.486763 -2.490499
BS16 9DG 9 0 51.487238 -2.49131
BS16 9DH 26 0 51.489063 -2.491028
BS16 9DJ 18 0 51.489292 -2.490267
BS16 9DL 21 1 51.4885 -2.490114
BS16 9DN 23 0 51.490215 -2.490781
BS16 9DP 4 0 51.490136 -2.486387
BS16 9DQ 20 0 51.487844 -2.490309
BS16 9DR 15 0 51.489422 -2.486811
BS16 9DS 12 0 51.490557 -2.48848
BS16 9DT 35 0 51.490876 -2.487734
BS16 9DU 7 0 51.490674 -2.49103
BS16 9DW 41 1 51.490099 -2.48836