all postcodes in BS2 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS2 9ES 2 1 51.461749 -2.579359
BS2 9HA 42 0 51.460411 -2.58431
BS2 9HB 12 0 51.460411 -2.58431
BS2 9HE 10 0 51.46078 -2.584428
BS2 9HF 4 0 51.46088 -2.584127
BS2 9HG 5 0 51.460732 -2.583147
BS2 9HH 55 2 51.461246 -2.58288
BS2 9HP 5 4 51.461694 -2.581217
BS2 9HQ 4 0 51.460925 -2.584257
BS2 9HR 9 0 51.460629 -2.583737
BS2 9HS 1 1 51.461749 -2.581288
BS2 9JA 4 1 51.462167 -2.583656
BS2 9JE 2 1 51.462891 -2.581045
BS2 9JF 3 3 51.462215 -2.584894
BS2 9JG 18 0 51.463842 -2.581718
BS2 9JH 27 0 51.462765 -2.583072
BS2 9JJ 28 1 51.463419 -2.579985
BS2 9JL 44 0 51.463555 -2.581527
BS2 9JN 31 0 51.462848 -2.58254
BS2 9JP 12 0 51.462182 -2.584561