all postcodes in BS20 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS20 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS20 6BA 15 0 51.480637 -2.773167
BS20 6BB 74 0 51.481811 -2.772539
BS20 6BD 1 0 51.4812 -2.773796
BS20 6BE 11 0 51.482395 -2.770954
BS20 6BG 40 0 51.482627 -2.770033
BS20 6BH 15 0 51.484041 -2.770809
BS20 6BJ 12 5 51.484085 -2.769686
BS20 6BL 1 1 51.483661 -2.768498
BS20 6BP 8 0 51.485492 -2.769145
BS20 6BQ 11 3 51.483778 -2.769854
BS20 6BS 20 0 51.485916 -2.770106
BS20 6BT 48 1 51.480679 -2.765493
BS20 6BW 27 2 51.484865 -2.770258
BS20 6DA 11 0 51.481992 -2.783184
BS20 6DB 21 0 51.481792 -2.784582
BS20 6DD 8 0 51.481963 -2.785852
BS20 6DE 32 0 51.481563 -2.785409
BS20 6DF 30 0 51.481398 -2.787192
BS20 6DG 15 0 51.480916 -2.78799
BS20 6DH 30 0 51.482371 -2.788318