all postcodes in BS20 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS20 7BX 21 21 51.484946 -2.764545
BS20 7BZ 2 2 51.486325 -2.768097
BS20 7DB 29 1 51.487334 -2.766472
BS20 7DD 2 2 51.486905 -2.766105
BS20 7DE 5 5 51.485968 -2.763612
BS20 7DF 13 13 51.48872 -2.757997
BS20 7DH 68 0 51.478021 -2.757932
BS20 7DL 26 0 51.488625 -2.76573
BS20 7DN 5 0 51.488803 -2.76609
BS20 7DP 18 0 51.489898 -2.766227
BS20 7DR 14 0 51.492091 -2.766534
BS20 7DS 6 0 51.489731 -2.764294
BS20 7DT 17 0 51.489263 -2.764513
BS20 7DU 6 0 51.490194 -2.766347
BS20 7DW 27 0 51.48943 -2.765193
BS20 7DX 38 0 51.490944 -2.765938
BS20 7DY 20 0 51.492416 -2.764843
BS20 7DZ 5 0 51.493088 -2.76547
BS20 7EA 22 0 51.493405 -2.759555
BS20 7EB 6 0 51.492893 -2.763508