all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 4NQ 1 1 51.333281 -2.983932
BS23 4NS 3 0 51.330244 -2.977859
BS23 4NU 9 0 51.331498 -2.973134
BS23 4NW 10 0 51.329802 -2.976336
BS23 4NX 20 0 51.331267 -2.973804
BS23 4NY 15 2 51.330026 -2.973821
BS23 4NZ 6 0 51.329753 -2.974684
BS23 4PD 1 0 51.327788 -2.975274
BS23 4PE 6 0 51.329217 -2.968364
BS23 4PF 8 0 51.328598 -2.97036
BS23 4PH 8 0 51.328806 -2.969102
BS23 4PJ 16 0 51.328339 -2.967987
BS23 4PN 16 0 51.327569 -2.967612
BS23 4PP 56 0 51.327527 -2.966571
BS23 4PR 50 0 51.328787 -2.967121
BS23 4PS 10 0 51.328101 -2.96735
BS23 4PT 6 0 51.329308 -2.967599
BS23 4PW 24 0 51.327661 -2.968899
BS23 4QA 26 0 51.327497 -2.970187
BS23 4QB 16 0 51.326464 -2.969046