all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 2NJ 21 0 51.353918 -2.976418
BS23 2NL 30 1 51.352874 -2.977177
BS23 2NN 8 0 51.354455 -2.976335
BS23 2NP 27 0 51.354048 -2.975565
BS23 2NQ 8 0 51.355198 -2.974908
BS23 2NR 17 0 51.355067 -2.974107
BS23 2NS 8 0 51.354869 -2.975238
BS23 2NT 3 1 51.355406 -2.971214
BS23 2NU 4 0 51.355704 -2.972067
BS23 2NW 10 0 51.354891 -2.976904
BS23 2NX 15 0 51.355552 -2.970191
BS23 2NY 11 0 51.355526 -2.967936
BS23 2NZ 6 0 51.352693 -2.974525
BS23 2PA 10 0 51.356581 -2.970802
BS23 2PB 8 0 51.356482 -2.969809
BS23 2PD 18 0 51.355024 -2.972119
BS23 2PE 24 3 51.355066 -2.970296
BS23 2PF 10 0 51.355109 -2.970541
BS23 2PG 29 0 51.350929 -2.977876
BS23 2PH 30 0 51.350929 -2.977876