all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 3TL 16 0 51.332321 -2.963155
BS23 3TN 22 0 51.333613 -2.963555
BS23 3TP 15 14 51.34364 -2.956774
BS23 3TQ 45 0 51.33269 -2.962029
BS23 3TR 3 3 51.344407 -2.956546
BS23 3TS 7 7 51.344381 -2.957507
BS23 3UU 7 6 51.344109 -2.957731
BS23 3TT 12 0 51.330497 -2.964036
BS23 3TU 21 0 51.3303 -2.962941
BS23 3TW 42 0 51.333387 -2.962603
BS23 3TX 16 0 51.330758 -2.961888
BS23 3TY 37 0 51.32968 -2.962841
BS23 3TZ 28 2 51.329616 -2.964074
BS23 3UA 16 0 51.329419 -2.961745
BS23 3UB 16 0 51.329989 -2.961312
BS23 3UD 10 0 51.330453 -2.960647
BS23 3UE 44 2 51.331342 -2.962552
BS23 3UF 8 0 51.330921 -2.962357
BS23 3UG 6 0 51.330742 -2.960524
BS23 3UH 36 0 51.333687 -2.956696