all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 4EG 9 0 51.333178 -2.972237
BS23 4EH 6 0 51.334238 -2.971636
BS23 4EJ 36 1 51.333466 -2.971009
BS23 4EL 18 1 51.332758 -2.972946
BS23 4EQ 10 1 51.332428 -2.972637
BS23 4HA 4 0 51.332523 -2.981045
BS23 4HB 39 7 51.332902 -2.980528
BS23 4HE 10 0 51.332314 -2.980208
BS23 4HF 8 0 51.331576 -2.979244
BS23 4HG 33 1 51.333181 -2.977671
BS23 4HJ 7 0 51.333115 -2.979134
BS23 4HL 44 0 51.334328 -2.978807
BS23 4HN 39 1 51.333494 -2.980612
BS23 4HP 14 3 51.333945 -2.978836
BS23 4HQ 23 0 51.332819 -2.977979
BS23 4HR 27 3 51.333647 -2.97893
BS23 4HS 65 4 51.33408 -2.977251
BS23 4HT 46 4 51.3338 -2.977403
BS23 4HU 56 0 51.334298 -2.974844
BS23 4HW 35 1 51.333788 -2.980383