all postcodes in BS26 / AXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the BS26 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS26 2BL 5 0 51.286884 -2.81776
BS26 2BN 57 3 51.287293 -2.815292
BS26 2BP 9 1 51.288473 -2.814346
BS26 2BQ 21 1 51.286558 -2.818069
BS26 2BS 16 0 51.287776 -2.813035
BS26 2BT 12 0 51.287995 -2.814496
BS26 2BU 7 0 51.287713 -2.814964
BS26 2BW 3 0 51.287381 -2.816163
BS26 2BX 1 0 51.287631 -2.8158
BS26 2BY 19 0 51.286552 -2.822234
BS26 2BZ 19 0 51.287074 -2.822172
BS26 2DA 21 0 51.286814 -2.812367
BS26 2DB 30 0 51.285777 -2.812254
BS26 2DD 33 0 51.286324 -2.811174
BS26 2DE 31 0 51.287809 -2.81019
BS26 2DF 1 0 51.287331 -2.811702
BS26 2DG 30 0 51.288197 -2.811301
BS26 2DH 16 0 51.285477 -2.813218
BS26 2DJ 34 0 51.285418 -2.813934
BS26 2DL 38 0 51.287516 -2.807768