all postcodes in BS27 / CHEDDAR

find any address or company within the BS27 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS27 3YR 6 0 51.275881 -2.761309
BS27 3YS 1 0 51.273905 -2.759656
BS27 3YT 1 1 51.275127 -2.778233
BS27 3YU 1 0 51.276998 -2.755421
BS27 3ZX 1 1 51.275132 -2.778227
BS27 3NU 5 0 51.28242 -2.777447
BS27 3EU 18 0 51.281645 -2.781764
BS27 3FD 6 0 51.280986 -2.782126
BS27 3WB 1 1 51.275132 -2.778227
BS27 3FE 9 0 51.25405 -2.749915
BS27 3FG 6 0 51.275915 -2.789586
BS27 3FH 71 0 51.275125 -2.789897
BS27 3FL 7 0 51.281019 -2.784727
BS27 3NS 6 0 51.275536 -2.775525
BS27 3FB 15 0 51.278351 -2.789671
BS27 3FF 4 0 51.277869 -2.789132
BS27 3FN 11 11 51.259063 -2.756923