all postcodes in BS2 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS2 0JY 18 4 51.454481 -2.578202
BS2 0JZ 12 10 51.455341 -2.574876
BS2 0LA 15 0 51.454575 -2.578824
BS2 0LE 1 1 51.453864 -2.577475
BS2 0LF 32 4 51.452963 -2.577408
BS2 0LN 29 0 51.452628 -2.576466
BS2 0LP 50 1 51.452652 -2.575157
BS2 0LQ 1 1 51.454387 -2.578591
BS2 0LR 11 0 51.452603 -2.576034
BS2 0LS 20 0 51.452375 -2.576665
BS2 0LT 1 1 51.453774 -2.579258
BS2 0LW 10 0 51.45314 -2.576516
BS2 0LY 57 0 51.453213 -2.579942
BS2 0NJ 24 0 51.458477 -2.577418
BS2 0NL 22 0 51.45825 -2.577919
BS2 0NN 18 0 51.458637 -2.577694
BS2 0NT 1 1 51.456487 -2.576112
BS2 0NW 6 5 51.458644 -2.576398
BS2 0XJ 8 6 51.446562 -2.57403
BS2 0PH 2 2 51.456472 -2.577078