all postcodes in BS31 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS31 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS31 2LR 4 0 51.407535 -2.514551
BS31 2LS 17 0 51.408919 -2.514797
BS31 2LW 15 0 51.408369 -2.515093
BS31 2NA 4 0 51.41299 -2.505022
BS31 2NB 34 1 51.411031 -2.504698
BS31 2ND 27 2 51.411163 -2.505361
BS31 2NE 16 0 51.409987 -2.502803
BS31 2NF 10 0 51.409588 -2.502942
BS31 2NG 10 0 51.409365 -2.503228
BS31 2NH 15 2 51.409368 -2.506146
BS31 2NJ 16 0 51.408619 -2.507202
BS31 2NL 44 0 51.41005 -2.507089
BS31 2NN 5 1 51.409211 -2.507626
BS31 2NP 5 0 51.409377 -2.508706
BS31 2NQ 23 0 51.409338 -2.505312
BS31 2NR 7 0 51.409659 -2.510161
BS31 2NS 21 0 51.409565 -2.509024
BS31 2NT 10 0 51.409794 -2.50999
BS31 2NU 31 0 51.409281 -2.510128
BS31 2NW 20 8 51.408668 -2.507921