all postcodes in BS36 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS36 1ER 4 0 51.515518 -2.503677
BS36 1EW 26 0 51.516483 -2.502967
BS36 1HA 7 0 51.518148 -2.506703
BS36 1HB 11 0 51.518007 -2.506169
BS36 1HD 29 0 51.519648 -2.506951
BS36 1HE 22 0 51.521553 -2.507462
BS36 1HF 20 0 51.521493 -2.506813
BS36 1HG 8 0 51.521017 -2.506361
BS36 1HH 15 0 51.518721 -2.505168
BS36 1HJ 4 0 51.51902 -2.504623
BS36 1HL 16 0 51.519036 -2.505243
BS36 1HN 12 0 51.519882 -2.504964
BS36 1HP 11 0 51.521385 -2.504592
BS36 1HQ 30 0 51.519572 -2.506013
BS36 1HR 19 0 51.519902 -2.504532
BS36 1HS 33 2 51.518251 -2.50375
BS36 1HT 10 0 51.518309 -2.500623
BS36 1HU 11 0 51.518003 -2.500678
BS36 1HW 26 0 51.521129 -2.505526
BS36 1HX 29 0 51.517776 -2.503039