all postcodes in BS37 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS37 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS37 6LD 0 51.538557 -2.386695
BS37 6LE 0 51.5383 -2.385597
BS37 6LF 0 51.537848 -2.386314
BS37 6LG 0 51.536957 -2.386537
BS37 6LH 1 51.534069 -2.381798
BS37 6LJ 0 51.533255 -2.383075
BS37 6LL 4 51.533557 -2.381373
BS37 6LN 0 51.533199 -2.380969
BS37 6LP 0 51.533932 -2.379548
BS37 6LQ 0 51.53714 -2.385847
BS37 6LR 1 51.532818 -2.376483
BS37 6LS 0 51.532426 -2.375312
BS37 6LT 0 51.53419 -2.372039
BS37 6LU 2 51.533931 -2.368562
BS37 6LX 3 51.532473 -2.360492
BS37 6LY 1 51.532607 -2.357578
BS37 6LZ 1 51.532047 -2.355746
BS37 6NA 0 51.530744 -2.352261
BS37 6NB 1 51.532686 -2.352593
BS37 6ND 0 51.539243 -2.386023