all postcodes in BS37 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS37 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS37 4NW 74 0 51.535751 -2.408283
BS37 4PA 24 0 51.531225 -2.414427
BS37 4PB 23 0 51.531883 -2.413712
BS37 4PD 15 0 51.532413 -2.413991
BS37 4PE 20 0 51.531825 -2.412328
BS37 4PF 19 0 51.532459 -2.411166
BS37 4PG 30 0 51.531433 -2.411301
BS37 4PH 30 19 51.540495 -2.424331
BS37 4PN 8 0 51.540031 -2.423576
BS37 4PP 12 0 51.540092 -2.429056
BS37 4PQ 18 4 51.540578 -2.42126
BS37 4PR 31 1 51.539818 -2.430063
BS37 4PS 13 3 51.540688 -2.430561
BS37 4PW 26 5 51.540601 -2.427547
BS37 4PZ 1 1 51.540424 -2.414004
BS37 4RU 19 0 51.539951 -2.418169
BS37 4WB 1 1 51.539471 -2.414055
BS37 4XH 68 0 51.539066 -2.404002
BS37 4XL 61 0 51.537939 -2.420154
BS37 4XT 20 0 51.538961 -2.405716