all postcodes in BS39 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS39 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS39 6JB 0 51.324182 -2.508207
BS39 6JD 2 51.323775 -2.510858
BS39 6JE 1 51.3234 -2.510322
BS39 6JF 0 51.323657 -2.511258
BS39 6JG 0 51.323686 -2.510727
BS39 6JH 1 51.325474 -2.51092
BS39 6JJ 0 51.324705 -2.511199
BS39 6JL 0 51.325653 -2.511266
BS39 6JN 0 51.326275 -2.512064
BS39 6JP 0 51.325992 -2.507739
BS39 6JQ 0 51.324608 -2.51071
BS39 6JR 0 51.32764 -2.500825
BS39 6JS 0 51.320829 -2.499818
BS39 6JT 1 51.319351 -2.49735
BS39 6JU 0 51.317363 -2.502823
BS39 6JW 0 51.325064 -2.509252
BS39 6JX 0 51.316705 -2.511511
BS39 6JY 0 51.325688 -2.513448
BS39 6JZ 0 51.325104 -2.507313
BS39 6LA 0 51.324722 -2.508113