all postcodes in BS39 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS39 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS39 7NE 26 0 51.303852 -2.508298
BS39 7NF 9 0 51.304926 -2.507363
BS39 7NG 15 0 51.304782 -2.505138
BS39 7NH 17 0 51.305363 -2.506134
BS39 7NJ 4 0 51.305969 -2.506157
BS39 7NL 13 0 51.306325 -2.497667
BS39 7NN 23 0 51.306653 -2.49658
BS39 7NP 12 0 51.308304 -2.501633
BS39 7NQ 4 0 51.305318 -2.503982
BS39 7NR 3 0 51.308907 -2.501611
BS39 7NS 23 0 51.300173 -2.495879
BS39 7NT 2 0 51.308981 -2.502087
BS39 7NU 18 0 51.309527 -2.501733
BS39 7NW 29 6 51.307692 -2.501827
BS39 7NX 24 2 51.310133 -2.500893
BS39 7NY 27 1 51.309516 -2.500097
BS39 7NZ 5 0 51.309934 -2.498954
BS39 7PA 22 0 51.309444 -2.497901
BS39 7PB 5 0 51.311165 -2.495065
BS39 7PD 10 0 51.311705 -2.49487