all postcodes in BS3 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS3 1XF 0 51.442322 -2.598322
BS3 1XG 0 51.442648 -2.597794
BS3 1XH 0 51.44299 -2.597784
BS3 1QZ 5 1 51.444442 -2.612223
BS3 1DW 15 0 51.441933 -2.602187
BS3 1BE 0 51.441816 -2.59879
BS3 1JE 1 51.441117 -2.608409
BS3 1BY 4 0 51.441452 -2.599591
BS3 1BJ 10 0 51.441307 -2.608524
BS3 1BQ 6 0 51.441582 -2.59883
BS3 1JG 6 1 51.440443 -2.608385
BS3 1DN 1 0 51.444706 -2.599749
BS3 1EJ 6 0 51.44256 -2.602742
BS3 1BP 1 51.441801 -2.601797
BS3 1LA 1 1 51.441013 -2.611227
BS3 1BZ 1 0 51.441123 -2.604234
BS3 1EL 9 0 51.44112 -2.606179
BS3 1FD 11 0 51.445695 -2.601275
BS3 1ET 5 0 51.441396 -2.608326
BS3 1FE 6 0 51.445801 -2.61037