all postcodes in BS3 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS3 2TJ 0 51.429571 -2.625931
BS3 2TL 6 51.429371 -2.624691
BS3 2TN 14 51.428318 -2.628201
BS3 2UN 18 51.429873 -2.633072
BS3 2UQ 1 51.428236 -2.631767
BS3 2UP 13 0 51.427901 -2.632208
BS3 2SX 0 51.43183 -2.61372
BS3 2RG 0 51.432052 -2.624498
BS3 2AH 2 2 51.431689 -2.614643
BS3 2AY 0 51.431682 -2.621313
BS3 2BE 63 0 51.443162 -2.623512
BS3 2BF 31 0 51.442304 -2.624148
BS3 2BG 16 0 51.433076 -2.621189
BS3 2BN 90 0 51.442876 -2.624331
BS3 2BQ 0 51.432722 -2.611618
BS3 2TZ 0 51.42998 -2.625246
BS3 2AN 0 51.442386 -2.61543
BS3 2DE 4 0 51.439761 -2.613182
BS3 2SG 1 1 51.433059 -2.612187
BS3 3AA 1 51.440297 -2.603607