all postcodes in BS4 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS4 5NX 4 0 51.433341 -2.542447
BS4 5NY 3 0 51.433029 -2.541983
BS4 5NZ 8 7 51.431485 -2.541432
BS4 5PF 42 36 51.431786 -2.538085
BS4 5PR 1 1 51.431927 -2.53915
BS4 5PS 17 14 51.433114 -2.536734
BS4 5QF 2 1 51.43479 -2.53789
BS4 5QG 1 1 51.433762 -2.53897
BS4 5QH 15 13 51.436126 -2.536755
BS4 5QQ 5 4 51.435163 -2.537074
BS4 5QR 22 14 51.43549 -2.536747
BS4 5QU 9 7 51.435477 -2.535524
BS4 5QW 39 27 51.434408 -2.53531
BS4 5QY 1 1 51.432407 -2.534423
BS4 5RG 27 22 51.431982 -2.535037
BS4 5RQ 1 1 51.430091 -2.533232
BS4 5RS 4 1 51.433788 -2.529017
BS4 5RT 47 0 51.429858 -2.529431
BS4 5RU 1 0 51.427989 -2.53512
BS4 5SA 17 12 51.430306 -2.527365