all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS40 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 7SB 8 1 51.327742 -2.711992
BS40 7SD 4 0 51.32472 -2.710711
BS40 7SE 4 0 51.32368 -2.71025
BS40 7SF 15 0 51.323309 -2.704661
BS40 7SG 2 1 51.322362 -2.696901
BS40 7SH 15 0 51.3233 -2.711482
BS40 7SJ 10 0 51.327233 -2.712332
BS40 7SL 17 0 51.32428 -2.71299
BS40 7SN 16 0 51.325635 -2.712562
BS40 7SQ 2 0 51.329363 -2.69761
BS40 7TA 9 5 51.329061 -2.718457
BS40 7TB 8 0 51.330792 -2.71468
BS40 7TD 13 0 51.330028 -2.715591
BS40 7TE 10 0 51.330591 -2.716202
BS40 7TF 14 0 51.331017 -2.716219
BS40 7TG 16 0 51.330168 -2.716795
BS40 7TH 10 1 51.326703 -2.717229
BS40 7TJ 9 0 51.326522 -2.71832
BS40 7TL 19 2 51.326672 -2.719366
BS40 7TN 18 0 51.325619 -2.718015