all postcodes in BS41 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS41 9DD 1 1 51.429055 -2.664157
BS41 9DE 12 0 51.433928 -2.665553
BS41 9DG 11 1 51.430022 -2.66295
BS41 9DH 10 0 51.431554 -2.662697
BS41 9DJ 15 2 51.432647 -2.664571
BS41 9DL 29 0 51.433007 -2.666487
BS41 9DN 19 0 51.434706 -2.66667
BS41 9DP 25 0 51.431304 -2.665541
BS41 9DQ 17 1 51.430911 -2.663522
BS41 9DR 22 0 51.431007 -2.665667
BS41 9DS 12 0 51.430661 -2.664842
BS41 9DT 13 0 51.43067 -2.666067
BS41 9DU 10 0 51.431838 -2.66647
BS41 9DW 2 2 51.436769 -2.671795
BS41 9DX 12 0 51.431273 -2.667886
BS41 9DY 34 1 51.429177 -2.667985
BS41 9DZ 20 0 51.430039 -2.665106
BS41 9EA 26 0 51.429752 -2.66503
BS41 9EB 1 1 51.423851 -2.671603
BS41 9EH 15 0 51.43218 -2.662895