all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 2TL 28 0 51.429446 -2.748213
BS48 2TN 32 0 51.430148 -2.7467
BS48 2TP 18 0 51.430981 -2.747501
BS48 2TQ 39 0 51.427963 -2.748429
BS48 2TR 18 0 51.429421 -2.745346
BS48 2UA 50 0 51.427916 -2.744401
BS48 2UB 10 0 51.427192 -2.746633
BS48 2UD 9 0 51.427195 -2.746159
BS48 2UE 5 0 51.426777 -2.745505
BS48 2UF 41 0 51.431217 -2.742661
BS48 2UG 35 0 51.429863 -2.742261
BS48 2UH 8 0 51.430258 -2.745187
BS48 2UJ 10 0 51.429158 -2.745644
BS48 2UL 14 0 51.428652 -2.744758
BS48 2UN 8 0 51.428036 -2.745353
BS48 2UP 8 0 51.427081 -2.744316
BS48 2UQ 38 0 51.429567 -2.743594
BS48 2UR 12 0 51.426531 -2.744523
BS48 2US 17 0 51.425987 -2.745262
BS48 2UT 9 0 51.428201 -2.743514