all postcodes in BS48 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS48 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS48 4LS 7 0 51.426607 -2.757929
BS48 4LT 7 0 51.42567 -2.761035
BS48 4LU 1 0 51.425427 -2.763749
BS48 4LX 17 0 51.426399 -2.761943
BS48 4LY 17 0 51.426052 -2.760351
BS48 4LZ 11 0 51.426553 -2.760719
BS48 4NA 12 0 51.426302 -2.767234
BS48 4NB 21 0 51.426942 -2.770002
BS48 4ND 26 2 51.425552 -2.768052
BS48 4NE 64 0 51.426986 -2.766004
BS48 4NF 9 0 51.428438 -2.769452
BS48 4NG 46 1 51.426446 -2.771278
BS48 4NH 39 0 51.425426 -2.772192
BS48 4NJ 16 0 51.42197 -2.775413
BS48 4NL 1 0 51.421337 -2.7773
BS48 4NN 1 0 51.420106 -2.778132
BS48 4NP 2 2 51.416834 -2.772583
BS48 4NQ 35 2 51.424103 -2.771987
BS48 4NR 5 0 51.418401 -2.765731
BS48 4NS 3 0 51.422732 -2.761964