all postcodes in BS4 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS4 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS4 2NN 30 0 51.434448 -2.563218
BS4 2NP 19 0 51.434088 -2.559661
BS4 2NQ 22 0 51.433412 -2.563594
BS4 2NR 27 0 51.434701 -2.559179
BS4 2NS 14 0 51.434257 -2.558095
BS4 2NT 22 1 51.433942 -2.557819
BS4 2NU 17 0 51.434149 -2.556137
BS4 2NW 14 0 51.433755 -2.559614
BS4 2NX 24 0 51.435491 -2.555751
BS4 2NZ 10 1 51.434185 -2.554382
BS4 2PA 7 0 51.434101 -2.553087
BS4 2PB 13 0 51.433729 -2.553859
BS4 2PH 14 2 51.437533 -2.570565
BS4 2PJ 15 0 51.437965 -2.570426
BS4 2PN 12 3 51.436669 -2.568813
BS4 2PP 21 0 51.436531 -2.569401
BS4 2PR 17 0 51.435614 -2.569548
BS4 2PS 30 0 51.435773 -2.570025
BS4 2PT 9 1 51.435789 -2.56863
BS4 2PU 16 3 51.435666 -2.567622