all postcodes in BS8 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS8 1JW 2 51.456954 -2.609598
BS8 1JX 1 51.454873 -2.609064
BS8 1JY 0 51.45562 -2.607131
BS8 1JZ 0 51.455743 -2.607437
BS8 1LB 0 51.456617 -2.608773
BS8 1LD 0 51.454113 -2.613357
BS8 1LH 0 51.457205 -2.613614
BS8 1LJ 0 51.456816 -2.614012
BS8 1LL 0 51.457371 -2.612568
BS8 1LN 1 51.456776 -2.613019
BS8 1LP 3 51.458425 -2.61235
BS8 1LQ 1 51.456336 -2.614454
BS8 1LR 4 51.459415 -2.610492
BS8 1LT 1 51.45987 -2.609562
BS8 1LW 2 51.457725 -2.612096
BS8 1LX 4 51.45903 -2.610228
BS8 1NA 1 51.458979 -2.609594
BS8 1NB 0 51.458295 -2.611556
BS8 1ND 0 51.458304 -2.611557
BS8 1NE 0 51.458295 -2.611556