all postcodes in BS8 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS8 2LS 5 51.461666 -2.608118
BS8 2LT 0 51.462004 -2.607187
BS8 2LX 0 51.462434 -2.607394
BS8 2LY 7 51.462195 -2.608243
BS8 2NA 0 51.462336 -2.609106
BS8 2NB 0 51.462177 -2.609955
BS8 2NF 0 51.462551 -2.610951
BS8 2NG 0 51.462816 -2.610177
BS8 2NH 7 51.463177 -2.609623
BS8 2NN 15 51.464009 -2.61074
BS8 2NP 0 51.464741 -2.610016
BS8 2NQ 0 51.462459 -2.609669
BS8 2PL 11 51.464913 -2.609658
BS8 2NS 1 51.46388 -2.609573
BS8 2NT 16 51.463264 -2.608758
BS8 2NW 1 51.462236 -2.60902
BS8 2NX 1 51.462167 -2.610399
BS8 2PB 10 51.464061 -2.609102
BS8 2PH 2 51.464419 -2.609381
BS8 2PN 1 51.464783 -2.610235