all postcodes in BS8 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS8 4HW 42 21 51.453693 -2.618014
BS8 4HY 46 1 51.455338 -2.619735
BS8 4HZ 8 0 51.455849 -2.620087
BS8 4JA 12 1 51.455692 -2.620819
BS8 4JB 14 2 51.455524 -2.622069
BS8 4JD 8 0 51.455584 -2.622617
BS8 4JE 5 0 51.455587 -2.622113
BS8 4JF 42 0 51.455937 -2.622118
BS8 4JG 61 16 51.45611 -2.621389
BS8 4JH 13 4 51.456033 -2.620682
BS8 4JP 12 2 51.45403 -2.618525
BS8 4JR 39 0 51.453709 -2.618475
BS8 4JS 63 0 51.454253 -2.619245
BS8 4JU 53 0 51.454059 -2.620293
BS8 4JW 28 0 51.453016 -2.623517
BS8 4JX 57 0 51.453855 -2.621341
BS8 4JY 60 0 51.453599 -2.622244
BS8 4JZ 37 0 51.453208 -2.623059
BS8 4LA 32 0 51.452092 -2.62326
BS8 4LB 39 0 51.452742 -2.624348