all postcodes in BS8 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS8 1NF 4 51.458151 -2.611511
BS8 1NN 2 51.458867 -2.608385
BS8 1NU 2 51.458581 -2.608394
BS8 1PB 7 51.4594 -2.608203
BS8 1PD 12 51.459493 -2.609128
BS8 1PG 1 51.45941 -2.607817
BS8 1PH 1 51.461589 -2.603957
BS8 1PL 0 51.461168 -2.603721
BS8 1PN 0 51.461322 -2.603407
BS8 1PQ 1 51.461239 -2.605522
BS8 1PW 0 51.461403 -2.603223
BS8 1PX 2 51.458159 -2.608287
BS8 1PY 0 51.460238 -2.606055
BS8 1QD 1 51.457971 -2.608083
BS8 1QE 11 51.455783 -2.60519
BS8 1QL 4 51.456466 -2.607056
BS8 1QP 5 51.456679 -2.607505
BS8 1QQ 5 51.456216 -2.606592
BS8 1QS 2 51.457131 -2.608449
BS8 1QT 1 51.457733 -2.607188