all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 3EY 4 0 51.493999 -2.615203
BS9 3EZ 19 1 51.494753 -2.617017
BS9 3GG 1 1 51.494023 -2.619179
BS9 3HA 22 0 51.493143 -2.613867
BS9 3HB 14 0 51.496307 -2.614125
BS9 3HD 20 0 51.496737 -2.614361
BS9 3HE 25 0 51.497008 -2.614063
BS9 3HF 11 0 51.495728 -2.619966
BS9 3HG 22 0 51.495072 -2.61977
BS9 3HH 27 0 51.495239 -2.618908
BS9 3HJ 9 0 51.495638 -2.618265
BS9 3HN 10 3 51.49531 -2.617295
BS9 3HW 7 0 51.495444 -2.617427
BS9 3HP 6 0 51.495412 -2.61662
BS9 3HQ 10 3 51.495632 -2.619287
BS9 3HR 29 0 51.496397 -2.617468
BS9 3HS 16 0 51.49649 -2.616836
BS9 3HT 16 0 51.495505 -2.616189
BS9 3HU 12 0 51.496432 -2.615956
BS9 3HX 10 0 51.496937 -2.615776