all postcodes in BS9 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS9 4BH 9 0 51.490292 -2.610288
BS9 4BJ 13 0 51.490083 -2.609332
BS9 4BL 31 0 51.489127 -2.609909
BS9 4BN 10 0 51.489588 -2.60944
BS9 4BP 14 0 51.489265 -2.61102
BS9 4BQ 10 0 51.490766 -2.610712
BS9 4BS 12 0 51.487066 -2.610127
BS9 4BT 13 1 51.486631 -2.610783
BS9 4BU 20 0 51.488919 -2.611721
BS9 4BW 30 0 51.490204 -2.608541
BS9 4BY 21 0 51.489463 -2.612622
BS9 4BZ 23 0 51.490573 -2.613616
BS9 4DA 20 0 51.490689 -2.615461
BS9 4DB 27 0 51.491963 -2.61434
BS9 4DD 7 0 51.491571 -2.6153
BS9 4DE 20 0 51.49165 -2.613947
BS9 4DF 10 0 51.491385 -2.61308
BS9 4DG 4 0 51.487069 -2.613122
BS9 4DP 23 2 51.488467 -2.615575
BS9 4DR 16 2 51.487616 -2.613118