all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 1PA 4 1 54.708024 -2.640518
CA10 1PB 6 1 54.708661 -2.647373
CA10 1PD 49 0 54.707911 -2.653
CA10 1PE 6 0 54.707834 -2.655725
CA10 1PH 1 0 54.710437 -2.657971
CA10 1PJ 5 0 54.709305 -2.647895
CA10 1PL 14 0 54.711155 -2.649958
CA10 1PN 32 0 54.712926 -2.651476
CA10 1PP 3 0 54.723369 -2.637903
CA10 1PR 1 0 54.703308 -2.629829
CA10 1PS 4 0 54.708589 -2.626993
CA10 1PT 22 0 54.709731 -2.600191
CA10 1PZ 6 0 54.708161 -2.590561
CA10 1QA 37 1 54.706364 -2.590488
CA10 1QB 27 1 54.703801 -2.575942
CA10 1QD 2 0 54.647928 -2.609173
CA10 1QE 10 2 54.656039 -2.613768
CA10 1QF 9 1 54.657113 -2.605693
CA10 1QG 5 0 54.660502 -2.603589
CA10 1QH 2 0 54.662498 -2.603268