all postcodes in CA12 / KESWICK

find any address or company within the CA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA12 5RG 10 0 54.613269 -3.204888
CA12 5SA 58 2 54.617824 -3.204171
CA12 5SE 5 0 54.616059 -3.206287
CA12 5SF 6 0 54.616328 -3.205354
CA12 5SG 17 0 54.620938 -3.20357
CA12 5SJ 2 0 54.632636 -3.211119
CA12 5SL 8 0 54.644386 -3.21895
CA12 5SP 2 0 54.597004 -3.170606
CA12 5SQ 16 0 54.626187 -3.208136
CA12 5SR 2 0 54.596995 -3.181781
CA12 5ST 37 1 54.601003 -3.189278
CA12 5SX 29 0 54.601241 -3.192307
CA12 5SY 32 2 54.60186 -3.19164
CA12 5SZ 22 1 54.605091 -3.191134
CA12 5TB 26 0 54.602813 -3.187117
CA12 5TD 10 1 54.603068 -3.190437
CA12 5TE 24 0 54.603224 -3.188077
CA12 5TF 6 1 54.602359 -3.186472
CA12 5TG 1 0 54.60249 -3.188767
CA12 5TH 10 0 54.6024 -3.189799