all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 9HA 2 1 54.664946 -3.360007
CA13 9HB 2 0 54.665088 -3.359407
CA13 9HD 37 0 54.666148 -3.355627
CA13 9HF 1 1 54.667465 -3.350974
CA13 9HG 3 0 54.667068 -3.352138
CA13 9HH 5 0 54.669325 -3.354462
CA13 9HJ 23 0 54.668664 -3.35644
CA13 9HL 7 0 54.667391 -3.357824
CA13 9HN 29 0 54.668226 -3.356224
CA13 9HP 8 0 54.666921 -3.353234
CA13 9HQ 30 0 54.668216 -3.353897
CA13 9HR 34 0 54.666825 -3.355402
CA13 9HS 12 0 54.666498 -3.357251
CA13 9HT 4 2 54.666807 -3.358595
CA13 9HU 4 1 54.665557 -3.359468
CA13 9HW 36 0 54.66726 -3.355029
CA13 9HX 53 6 54.663942 -3.358407
CA13 9HY 12 0 54.663721 -3.356461
CA13 9HZ 3 0 54.664056 -3.359465
CA13 9JA 13 0 54.661551 -3.344777