all postcodes in CA14 / WORKINGTON

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Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA14 1HF 10 0 54.658588 -3.527174
CA14 1HG 2 0 54.65858 -3.528523
CA14 1HH 1 0 54.658917 -3.527466
CA14 1HJ 28 0 54.658927 -3.525234
CA14 1HL 32 0 54.65787 -3.524233
CA14 1HN 25 0 54.65892 -3.523652
CA14 1HP 5 0 54.658141 -3.522677
CA14 1HQ 3 0 54.658908 -3.52807
CA14 1HR 4 0 54.658 -3.523153
CA14 1HS 13 0 54.659322 -3.526721
CA14 1HT 13 0 54.66004 -3.526764
CA14 1HU 39 2 54.660115 -3.52579
CA14 1HW 8 0 54.659644 -3.524656
CA14 1HX 9 2 54.661148 -3.525115
CA14 1HY 4 3 54.661537 -3.524944
CA14 1JE 12 5 54.662104 -3.525461
CA14 1HZ 8 0 54.661208 -3.526807
CA14 1JA 9 0 54.66274 -3.526508
CA14 1JB 2 0 54.661635 -3.526296
CA14 1JD 26 1 54.661785 -3.52593