all postcodes in CA17 / KIRKBY STEPHEN

find any address or company within the CA17 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA17 4GH 1 1 54.476442 -2.338008
CA17 4HA 7 4 54.474517 -2.351259
CA17 4HB 1 0 54.480445 -2.364428
CA17 4HD 2 1 54.475509 -2.359292
CA17 4HE 3 0 54.475459 -2.366996
CA17 4HF 11 0 54.469015 -2.384138
CA17 4HG 13 0 54.468801 -2.40299
CA17 4HH 2 0 54.478874 -2.378571
CA17 4HL 40 2 54.490069 -2.337051
CA17 4HN 4 0 54.489982 -2.339134
CA17 4HP 3 0 54.489752 -2.334486
CA17 4HQ 5 0 54.483438 -2.398632
CA17 4HR 9 0 54.489939 -2.335259
CA17 4HS 39 1 54.489848 -2.332495
CA17 4HU 5 0 54.483701 -2.312272
CA17 4HW 3 0 54.49005 -2.337283
CA17 4HX 6 0 54.493651 -2.304428
CA17 4HY 2 0 54.49459 -2.291981
CA17 4HZ 18 0 54.486585 -2.267762
CA17 4JA 17 7 54.47621 -2.337574