all postcodes in CA20 / SEASCALE

find any address or company within the CA20 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA20 1NR 4 0 54.393433 -3.483406
CA20 1NS 10 1 54.392652 -3.482592
CA20 1NT 5 0 54.3919 -3.480163
CA20 1NU 5 0 54.392048 -3.480553
CA20 1NW 2 0 54.394372 -3.483824
CA20 1NX 15 0 54.391622 -3.478643
CA20 1NY 10 0 54.390796 -3.478567
CA20 1PA 21 0 54.39296 -3.481664
CA20 1PB 31 0 54.393093 -3.480421
CA20 1PD 19 0 54.392107 -3.479446
CA20 1PE 10 0 54.393402 -3.481587
CA20 1PF 1 1 54.419204 -3.500704
CA20 1PG 1 1 54.419213 -3.500704
CA20 1PH 2 0 54.398463 -3.477118
CA20 1PJ 6 1 54.397779 -3.47717
CA20 1PL 13 1 54.396543 -3.478312
CA20 1PN 2 2 54.396756 -3.479998
CA20 1PP 6 0 54.39773 -3.478955
CA20 1PQ 6 1 54.397913 -3.477945
CA20 1PR 2 2 54.396328 -3.480414